Lemon Remedies

October 25, 2010 at 4:44 pm Leave a comment

What’s a lemon good for?  According to Shine from Yahoo!, lots of things!

-Skip the bleach—add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the wash cycle to brighter up those fading whites.

-Relieve a sore throat. Cut a lemon in half. Skewer one half over a medium flame on a gas stove or an electric burner set on high and roast until the peel turns golden brown. Let cool slightly, then mix the juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Swallow the mixture.

-For subtle highlights in blond hair, simmer two sliced lemons in water for one hour (add more water if needed). Strain, then pour into a spray bottle.

-Stop apples and pears from browning by squeezing a little lemon juice over them.

-Decorate on the cheap. Fill a glass bowl with lemons for a sunny centerpiece. Or display a row of them along a windowsill.

-Collect used toothpicks at a party so you don’t end up with them all over your tables, seats, and floors. (Stick one in the lemon ahead of time to give guests the hint.)

-After shredding soft cheese or other sticky foods, go over both sides of the grater with the pulp side of a cut lemon to get rid of any residue.

-Squeeze juice from lemons with less effort by first warming them for 20 seconds in the microwave.

-To remove tough food stains from light wood and plastic cutting boards, slice a lemon in half, squeeze onto the soiled surface, rub, and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing. The best part? You’ll have a house that smells like a lemon grove rather than chemicals.

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